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No Trousers Tube Ride returns to London in 2025

The annual No Trousers Tube ride has taken place despite plunging temperatures in the capital.

Trouserless passengers were seen across the London Underground network including in Westminster, Waterloo and South Kensington.

Launched in January 2002 with just seven people in New York, it has spread across the world with dozens of people taking part in this year’s event in London.

Creator Charlie Todd told the BBC: “The whole point is just to create unexpected moments of joy, delight and confusion.”

“I’m very happy to see the tradition live on,” he added. “It’s meant to be a bit of harmless fun.

“Certainly, we are living in a climate where people like to have culture war fights and my rule in New York was always that my goal is to amuse other people, to give people a laugh.

“It’s not to be provocative or to irritate someone so hopefully the spirit of that continues.”

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