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5 Surprising Facts About Geckos That You Should Know

5 Surprising Facts About Geckos That You Should Know


Geckos are among the most fascinating reptiles in the animal kingdom, known for their vibrant colors and unique behaviors. Whether you’re a gecko enthusiast or simply curious about these remarkable creatures, here are five surprising facts about geckos that you should know.

1. Geckos Have Sticky Feet, But Not in the Way You Think

Geckos are famous for their ability to climb walls and even walk upside down on ceilings. This remarkable feat is due to the millions of tiny hair-like structures on their toe pads, called *setae*. These setae create a molecular attraction, known as van der Waals forces, allowing geckos to adhere to surfaces without using any glue-like substance. This unique adaptation makes them one of the most skilled climbers in the animal world.


2. Geckos Can Regenerate Their Tails

One of the most incredible survival mechanisms of geckos is their ability to drop and regrow their tails. When threatened by predators, geckos can voluntarily detach their tails as a distraction, allowing them to escape. The tail will eventually regrow, although it may look slightly different in shape and color. This regenerative ability is a crucial defense mechanism in the wild.


3. Geckos Have No Eyelids

Unlike many other animals, geckos do not have eyelids. Instead, they have a transparent membrane, or spectacle, that covers and protects their eyes. To keep their eyes clean and moist, geckos will often lick them with their tongues. This lack of eyelids and the frequent eye-licking is one of the more unusual and endearing traits of geckos.

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4. Geckos Communicate Through Sounds

While many reptiles are relatively silent, geckos are quite vocal and use a variety of sounds to communicate. Depending on the species, geckos can produce chirps, clicks, or barks to establish territory, attract mates, or warn off potential threats. Their vocalizations are surprisingly diverse and play an important role in their social interactions.


5. Geckos Come in a Wide Variety of Colors and Patterns

Geckos are incredibly diverse, with over 1,500 species found worldwide. They come in a stunning array of colors and patterns, ranging from vibrant greens and blues to earthy browns and grays. Some geckos can even change color to blend in with their surroundings, similar to chameleons. This wide variety of appearances makes geckos one of the most visually striking reptiles.


FAQs About Geckos

How long do geckos live?

Pet geckos typically live 10-20 years, depending on the species and care.

What do geckos eat?

Most geckos are insectivores, feeding on insects like crickets, mealworms, and roaches. Some species may also eat fruit or nectar.

Do geckos need special lighting?

Yes, geckos often require UVB lighting to help with calcium absorption and overall health, especially in species that are active during the day.

Can geckos be handled?

Geckos can be handled, but they are delicate creatures, so it’s important to be gentle and avoid grabbing them by the tail.

How big do geckos get?  

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Gecko sizes vary by species, with some, like the tiny dwarf geckos, being just a few inches long, while others, like the tokay gecko, can grow up to 12-15 inches.

Do geckos need a large enclosure?

The size of the enclosure depends on the species, but generally, geckos need enough space to move around, climb, and hide. A 20-gallon tank is a good starting point for many species.

How often should I feed my gecko? 

Young geckos should be fed daily, while adults can be fed every other day, with a diet consisting primarily of insects.

Are geckos nocturnal?

Most gecko species are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night, although some species are diurnal and active during the day.

Can geckos live with other pets?  

Geckos should not be housed with other species, and even with other geckos, care must be taken to avoid aggression.

Do geckos need water?

Geckos need fresh water available at all times, and they also benefit from a humid environment, which helps with shedding.



Geckos are extraordinary reptiles with a range of fascinating traits, from their sticky feet and regenerative tails to their vibrant colors and vocal abilities. Whether you’re keeping one as a pet or simply admiring them from afar, understanding these surprising facts can deepen your appreciation for these unique creatures. Proper care and knowledge can ensure that geckos thrive, making them a rewarding and captivating addition to any household.

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